Saturday, February 23, 2013

There are basically two aspects of portraiture in the way I approach it: getting a likeness of the subject and positioning that person in a pose that looks and feels natural and matches their personality. I want to separate these two aspects and see what happens. I will paint a portrait with the subject making eye contact with the viewer that is simplified to its basic element and focuses only on capturing a likeness of the person. Then I will paint a portrait where the subject refuses to make eye contact with the viewer and the focus is on the pose and composition to capture a feeling of the person without the importance of capturing a likeness.

I've been working lately with portraits that deliberately make contact with the viewer as a way to create a feeling of confrontation, but when I position the subject in a way that feels like he or she is deliberately avoiding eye contact with the viewer, it seems to me that this feeling of confrontation is amplified.

I must explore this more.

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